Nihon Yakiniku Hasegawa Ginza

Nihon Yakiniku Hasegawa Ginza

Nihon Yakiniku Hasegawa Ginza branch, located in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Tokyo, offers a traditional tone through its wooden furnishings and delicate pottery as it slowly envelops you in its earthen interior. Nihon Takiniku Hasegawa specializes in its select Japanese black beef, carefully selected vegetables, large selection of wine from all over, and meticulous service.

Make a Reservation


    Number of People

    Start Time

    End Time

    Additional Requests

    Reservation Price


    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri: 17:00-24:00 Sat-Sun: 11:30-24:00


    Please use the contact form on the bottom of this page to make a reservation.

    Tax & Service Charges


    Payment Method

    VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, Discover Card, MUFG, UC, DC, NICOS, UFJ, SAISON